How to plan a successful Meeting - use this template and script
How many dread the meetings you have this week? Why? No intention, Boring, length? Help👇
My Meeting Hot Tip of the day.
Don't click yes to a meeting invite, unless the meeting leader has a clear meeting agenda complete with:
1. Start time
2. End time
3. Goals for the meeting (meeting purpose)
4. Desired results
5. someone tracking notes
6. someone tracking action items
Meeting Template:
You're invited because:
We think you will help us move forward PROJECT X with your insight and work on A, B, C. We want you to help us think through problem 1, 2, 3 and give possible solutions!
Meeting Information
Meeting Title: 2024 Meeting Name
Location: Google Meet | Zoom | In Person
Meeting Leader: Nick Stromwall
Meeting Facilitator: Nick Stromwall
Meeting Purpose:
Clear up roles and investigate org chart
we are gathering to discuss ways we could leverage technology to help our mission
Desired Results:
Leave with clarity on what our role structure is
Leave with clarity on who is training the network admins
Identify projects for us each to leave with
discuss Chart for entity Technologists and defining roles finalization
What training do our people need?
What groups could we form to help tackle some needs Org has globally
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